Thursday, October 20, 2011


After 20 minutes of standing in line you finally get to talk to the recruiter at the career fair. Now what?!  Okay you gave him your resume. Now you are talking. Good progress. But wait… the conversation is ending. No offer for an interview yet? Then it happens. The recruiter that you stood in line for, printed this crisp resume for, and woke up early to talk to, now suggests you should apply online and someone will get back to you.  What did you do wrong?  After stressing out all day about trying to get that one interview with that one company you have blown it. Have no fear career fair go-ers here is your chance to figure out what exactly went 

In my book, “College Students: Do This! Get Hired!” there are not 30 things you need to do, but rather let’s stick with those that work! So let’s start with HUGE TIP #1: Ask yourself this question: “How can I show this recruiter that I am serious without ever having met them before?” Your resume is a huge part of it. This shows major accomplishments, but what about showing that company and their representatives exactly how you act in a working environment? (Remember your whole goal when it comes to recruiters is to impresses them!) So having available for them a performance evaluation from a previous internship is a great way to get recognized. There is nothing more powerful than basically handing that recruiter an outline of your skills and a real life example of how excellent you preformed them. It is one thing to say you were in a professional working group that did testing for a major airline than to have a breakdown of how well you worked in that group and the actual accomplishments you made all the while cohesively attaining the company’s objectives written by your previous employer. This will really raise your likelihood of getting that interview.

HUGE TIP #2 Listen for the questions! While in line, listen to the questions that is asked of the person in front of you. Do you really think recruiters are creative? They have a set of basic questions they ask at these events. Or simple walk up close –pretend you are looking for something….step to the side and LISTEN. Then get in back of the line and PRACTICE your answer to the questions! That wasn’t rocket science, right

HUGET TIP #3 Ask for the interview! Recruiters cannot resist if you make it personal. Simply ask for the interview this way, “I really would appreciate and interview with you ….I promise if you grant me the interview, I WON’T LET YOU DOWN.” Who in their right mind would not give you an interview? You’ve just made it personal. This will work! Try it.

So you’ve got the INTERVIEW…now practice your interview answers. This is all up to you now.

Mark Lyden is an expert at getting people jobs…in THIS difficult job market. He has already helped thousands with his advice because it is different and it is PROVEN to work! The advice he gives is not the traditional advice that can be found on the Internet or being given by most career professionals. Now and for the last 15-years, Mr. Lyden has been a Professional Lead Recruiter for a Fortune 50 company. Mark is the author of: College Students: Do This! Get Hired!; Veterans: Do This! Get Hired!; and, Professionals: Do This! Get Hired! Visit for additional information. A substantial portion of the proceeds from book sales are donated back to charity to help veterans and to help the stray and abandoned animals at Logan’s Run Rescue.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Since the time I read your book and followed your advice, I was interviewed by the following companies:

Mark's advice works!

Hello Mr. Mark 

Since the time I read your book and followed you advice, I was interviewed by the following companies: 

1- Rolls-Royce (Virginia) 
2- Continental Airlines (Houston) 
3- Southwest Airlines (Dallas) 
4- American Express (Embry Riddle) 
5- Etihad Airways(Phone interview) 
6- Embraer – North America (Fort Lauderdale) 
7- Lufthansa Technik (Fort Lauderdale) 
8- CB Aviation (Phone interviews) 
9- US Airways (Phone interview) 
10- American Airlines (Dallas) 
11- Boeing (3 phone interviews) 
12- Commercial Jets (Miami) 
13- HEICO Aerospace (Hollywood, FL) 
14- TRAX (Miami) 
15- GE (5 phone interview) 
16- Ayla Aviation Academy (Jordan) 
17- IATA (Jordan/ phone interview with IATA Canada) 
18- Royal Jordanian (Jordan) 
19- Jordan Airports Company (Jordan) 
20- Mearsk Line (Jordan) 
21- Delta Airlines (I denied the interview since I accepted a position with Lufthansa) 

Just wanted to let you know that your book is extraordinary; you are awesome. 

My current objective is to obtain a position with Boeing (Middle East) i.e Dubai. 

I'm keeping my eyes open on the website! 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

EXTRA, EXTRA, READ ALL ABOUT IT! [by Jenny Chabrian]

EXTRA, EXTRA, READ ALL ABOUT IT! Here it is the inside story on college recruiters! WAIT A MINUTE?! Recruiters are real life people with subjectivity to other real life people?
Stop the presses!
has changed my whole view on my approaching technique. If  I just keep in mind that giving my recruiter the chance to see that there is in fact a positive, go getter of a person behind my resume I can in fact open up my recruiter to the ability to evaluate me as a person on top of my resume. Hiring managers and college recruiters rely a lot on the evaluation of your attitude to judge whether or not your attitude will make the difference.  I think this really ties into what Mark says in Chapter 3 about resumes too. How sometimes the STRUCTURE is actually as important as the CONTENT. I can write or simply speak and try to portray all that I do and have accomplished. However, if I do not expose that hard positive attitude I have in a way that is arranged and structured to portray myself as the hard working, motivated person I am, I will basically be out of luck. It’s funny how everything is really pretty much interconnected. It’s all about the attitude. 

Monday, October 3, 2011

DO THIS! GET HIRED! [by Jenny Chabrian]

I’m not going to waste your time.”  That is the first thing that jumped out at me when I started reading “College Students: Do This! Get Hired.”  Someone who is actually going to be real with me about what I need to do to get my dream job!  Many times when I  meet potential employers I try to use impressive big words  and focus on my technical skills because lets face it my bad jokes and part time job I never thought recruiters were interested in. Turns out some of my soft skills are actually really important! I now know that allowing my recruiter the ability to see that I have a positive attitude along with  an openness and ability to learn new things can really give me a heads up in getting that interview. I never had the other-side-of-the-fence view on recruiting and now I can cater my  approach to  recruiters knowing that not all recruiters are the same. According to Mark the experience and level of training  of recruiters will vary and that means my approach to each must vary accordingly too. I feel now I will have a significant competitive advantage by showing both my ability to effectively communicate with a recruiter and not shying away from my soft skills. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

In this difficult job market: Start Applying to Jobs that You Qualify For

What I hear from students all the time is they can't seem to find the job that matches them on the website's of the companies they really want to work for.  They explain to me how they know the companies they want to work for take students from their major but when they go on the website they find nothing that is a good match for them for what they want to do.  

First, you are not alone.  Many, many students come up to me with this problem and they all are very disappointed and feel as though all their hard work in college might not get them the job they want.  Let me answer your question with a real life story that happened early in my recruiting career.

I was out recruiting with a senior engineer.  There was this candidate by the name of Jeff and he was great.  What made him great was his attitude.  His grades were solid and he cleaned up in the interview.  The senior engineer asked him what he wanted to do.  He thought a few seconds and said, "Well, I really like all aspects of engineering but I know what I DON'T want to do."  The senior engineer asked him, "What is that?"  Jeff said, "Structures." 

Well it turned out Jeff really struggled with his Structures class.  He actually had to take it twice to pass and felt he just wasn't good with that subject.

Jeff took that structures job.  And guess what?  He LOVED IT!...and did very well.  He stayed in that group for years. 

Jeff got hired into the company I was recruiting for as a Design Engineer.  He did very well.  But a few years into his job, the program he was on was winding down.  He needed to find a new job in a new group because the project he was working on was nearly complete.  But Jeff made the mistake of staying too long.  While other engineers around him got picked up by different groups, Jeff kept hanging on until finally he had to leave.  But now, there were few jobs to pick from.  He tried everything but the only job he was offered was in, guess what?  STRUCTURES! 

The point of the story is the answer to the question.  The point is you can take all these classes and you can read all the text books, however, sometimes you never know what you are going to like or not like unless you try it.  You can't try it if you don't get your foot in the door. 

For those of you in this situation, start applying to more openings.  Especially in this market, STOP looking for the perfect match and apply to anything and everything that might interest you. Not only that, but apply to all the jobs THAT YOU QUALIFY FOR. Remember, managers are not English Literature professors.  Sometimes their job descriptions to a really, really cool job is just boring or flat when you read it.  Just apply!  You can always say "no."  But give yourself a chance at being contacted by someone who can give you a better idea of what the job will entail.  I have seen this for the last 10 years, some of those jobs you think sound boring on paper, are some of the coolest jobs out there.  APPLY!

Mark Lyden is an expert at getting people jobs…in THIS difficult job market. He has already helped thousands with his advice because it is different and it is PROVEN to work! The advice he gives is not the traditional advice that can be found on the Internet or being given by most career professionals. Now and for the last 15-years, Mr. Lyden has been a Professional Lead Recruiter for a Fortune 50 company. Mark is the author of: College Students: Do This! Get Hired!; Veterans: Do This! Get Hired!; and, Professionals: Do This! Get Hired! Visit for additional information. A substantial portion of the proceeds from book sales are donated back to charity to help veterans and to help the stray and abandoned animals at Logan’s Run Rescue.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Infantry Company Commander conducts his own study on the effectiveness of author’s advice on how to get a job

5.0 out of 5 stars Expert Advice for Transitioning Soldiers and Veterans

Infantry Company Commander by trade, Captain Brett D. Kelley decides to test the advice given in Mark Lyden’s book, “VETERANS: Do This! Get Hired!”  The result?  Captain Kelley, “Recommends and personally endorses, VETERANS: DO THIS! GET HIRED! as an exceptional resource without hesitation.”

In his test, Captain Kelley lent it to fellow officers; Senior Non-Commissioned Officers with 12-20 years of service; and junior enlisted Soldiers with GEDs for tweaking resumes, polishing interview skills, and salary negotiation.  Although there was definitely a gap in the level of understanding between the officers and young, junior enlisted Soldiers, all gained greater insight into the hiring process and reduced their overall anxiety with the process.  Captain Kelley, who calls himself and his fellow soldiers "green suiters," found that the wounded, injured, and ill Soldiers he is currently helping transition from active duty military to the civilian world have a tough time translating their experience and marketing their skills in the civilian job market. He comments that in the book, “Mr. Lyden is able to succinctly bridge this gap without exceeding the attention span of a grunt like me.”

According to Kelley, “While the military offers and often mandates civilian employment preparation classes and workshops (e.g. resume writing and interview technique classes), they are rudimentary at best. Soldiers are still leaving the military without the skills they need to get hired and the last thing anyone wants to see is another Veteran in fatigues panhandling under a bridge. Civilian corporations and firms want to hire Veterans, but we [soldiers] do a terrible job marketing ourselves. Many young Veterans believe that the world will be handed to them on a silver platter, which couldn't be farther from the truth in a fiercely competitive and tenuous job market.”

Captain Kelley states that, “[the book] is a short read and functions more as a handbook than a self-help guide… Don't let your next interview turn into an ambush by walking into it unprepared. Take the time to read this one.”

Monday, August 1, 2011

The real unemployment rate? 16.6%. Author’s latest book is PROVEN to help today’s job seekers get hired.

The real unemployment rate? 16.6%.  Author’s latest book is PROVEN to help today’s job seekers get hired.

[August 1, 2011] – Mark Lyden has done it again! Aimed to help the millions of unemployed, his latest book, “Professionals: DO THIS! GET HIRED!” is geared to help today’s job seeker increase their chances of getting hired.  The Labor Department's statistics don't include the underemployed and those who have stopped looking for work. (MSN Money 6/2011).  When the underemployed and the discouraged are added to the numbers, the unemployment rate almost doubles making it 16.6%.  But there is a solution.

“Professionals: DO THIS! GET HIRED!” Gives those that are unemployed advice to get hired in today’s job market. Mr. Lyden emphasizes the: 7 Critical Steps to Applying Online; How to stand out at Job Fairs; Acing the Interview; and How to Negotiate Salary. Also included is a special chapter addressing the issues and concerns of those who are 50+ and older who may be looking for work…after being employed for 20+ years. The mature unemployed have a ton of experience yet they are overlooked because they are consistently told they are “overqualified.” A good rule of thumb according to Mr. Lyden is, “If you are in your fifties, sixties, or even higher…you can include your experience, but you don’t have to include it all or just don’t include the dates of when you worked there.  This helps prevent the “age issue” from ever coming up.” 

Mark Lyden’s first top selling book “College Students: DO THIS! GET HIRED!” caught the eye of Senator John McCain’s son, Jim McCain and his fellow Marine Jesse Canella, both co-founders of  This year, with their full endorsement and with the help from veterans from all four major branches of the military Mr. Lyden’s second book Veterans: DO THIS! GET HIRED! is hailed as the, “Best advice for getting hired that we have ever read." (Jesse Canella, CEO of HonorVet); and is helping reduce the high unemployment for our veterans and soldiers getting out of the military. Now Mark has turned his success, attention, and expertise to helping professionals with his new book “Professionals: DO THIS! GET HIRED!”

About the Author
Mark Lyden is an expert at getting people jobs.  He has already helped thousands get hired even in this difficult job market.  For over 15-years, he has been a Professional Lead Recruiter for a Fortune 50 company.  His approach is fresh, practical, easy to follow, and extremely effective. In his recruiting career he has recruited for small, medium, and large companies and organizations. Mark has screened, taught, mentored and interviewed thousands of candidates and has presented job search seminars across the country.  His extensive experience plus the fact that he recruits each day in this difficult job market, gives him the unique insight on the best ways--the proven ways to approach every major step of the job search process so candidates have the best chance at getting hired.

A substantial portion of the proceeds from book sales Mr. Lyden and his wife donate back to charity to help our military veterans and to help the stray and abandoned animals at Logan’s Run Rescue.  

Mark has been interviewed by or featured in The Washington Post, CNN MONEY, The Huffington Post, The Herald Tribune and many others. He has been a frequent guest on national and local talk radio shows including Ken Gaines (WKZK-103.7FM), Marc Bernier (WNDB-1150) The Marc Bernier Show  and with Howard Keating and Gail Kubiak,

Professionals: DO THIS! GET HIRED!
·         CreateSpace
·         ISBN: 978-1463561598
·         Price: $24.99
·         Pages: 92 pages, Paperback, 6 x 9
·         Pub Date: July 2011



Thursday, April 7, 2011

To a Recruiter, Attitude is The Most Important Attribute

Your attitude is the most critical item when being evaluated or interviewed.  It is not your grades.  It is not how good you are as a team player.  It is not your leadership skills.  It is not even your intern, co-op or work experience.  All very important things I admit, but not nearly as important as you having the right attitude.

To illustrate this point and take it one step further, here is a question for you the reader: What do you think is the biggest fear of a hiring manager is when hiring a candidate?  Some might say it is hiring someone that can’t do the work.  But that’s not it.  In my experience, hiring managers are most fearful of hiring someone with a bad attitude.  Why?  Because it often has a domino effect that can be very damaging.  Hiring someone with a bad attitude negatively affects the whole team.  That in turn causes conflict.  Conflict lowers morale.  Lowering morale increases inefficiency.  Inefficiency translates into lost time and money….which is misery for guess who?  The hiring manager!  At least, if the hiring manager hires an employee that can’t do the work, they have a fighting chance to work around it by sending them off for training or giving them different assignments; having them do work they can do.  But having a candidate with a bad attitude is nothing short of throwing a psychological grenade in the middle of the room with all team members present.

Moreover, who do you think gets a lot of the blame, or even becomes the scapegoat if a candidate gets hired that has a bad attitude?  Yes, you are right; the recruiter!  So wouldn’t it be logical for a company to send out those people that tend to be the best at screening for this relatively subjective, very soft science attribute we call attitude?  That is why you see mostly HR and business type people out on job and career fairs doing the initial screening.  Engineers and technical people tend to concentrate and be more comfortable evaluating attributes that they can quantify, like GPA, months of intern or co-op experience, or even leadership.  But again, it is your attitude that is most important.  The recruiter’s mantra is, “hire for attitude, and train for skill.” 

Mark Lyden

Mark Lyden is the author: College Students: Do This! Get Hired!Veterans: Do This! Get Hired!; and Professionals: Do This! Get Hired! (Coming Summer 2011).  A substantial portion of the proceeds from book sales are donated back to charity to help veterans and to help the stray and abandoned animals at Logan’s Run Rescue.   

Friday, April 1, 2011

Veterans’ Day Comes Early for The Howard Keating Show Listeners

I will be part of this wonderful event along with many other organizations throughout the country which will take place online April 6th through April 7th at

24-Hour Web-a-thon Will Connect Vets With Jobs, Financing and Franchise Opportunities

Veterans’ Day is observed every November, but for America’s veterans and listeners of The Howard Keating Show(, the holiday will come early this year as Howard hosts a 24-hour national Web-a-thon to benefit struggling veterans and their families.
From 5:00 pm EDT on April 6 until 5:00 pm the next day, Howard will honor America’s most-important heroes by giving them what they need most – access to jobs and a better financial future. By bringing together authors, job boards, financing experts, franchising representatives, social services professionals, entertainers and a their fellow active soldiers Howard will be doing his part to end the national shame of poverty and hopelessness among so many of our veterans.
For more than 30 years, Howard Keating – a veteran himself -- has been one of the nation’s strongest advocates for supporting small, developing or minority-owned businesses. He has been involved with over 25 start-ups and 16 turnarounds and his expertise spans everything from manufacturing, to software, to electronics, to land development, to health care. He has deep roots with the intricacies of federal programs and he organized and chaired the World Summit for Small Businesses in Washington D.C.
For more than 30 years, Howard Keating – a veteran himself -- has been one of the nation’s strongest advocates for supporting small, developing or minority-owned businesses. He has been involved with over 25 start-ups and 16 turnarounds and his expertise spans everything from manufacturing, to software, to electronics, to land development, to health care. He has deep roots with the intricacies of federal programs and he organized and chaired the World Summit for Small Businesses in Washington D.C.

For this live, interactive Web-a-thon, over 60 associations and 200 companies have pledged to help our returned soldiers:
 Get a new job;
 Start a business;
 Expand their business; and 
 Obtain up to $25,000 in business development loans.
“Our goal for this program is to get 1,000 veterans to apply for a job, and make 1,000 business contracts available to veterans,” said Howard Keating, CEO of Keating Network and host of The Howard Keating Show.  “This is just the beginning. We will continue these Web-a-thons until all of our veterans and their families have established the financial independence they so deserve.”
Contact      Patrick Fitzgibbons, Fleishman-Hillard, (212) 453-2124,

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Time To Level The Employment Field for Veterans and Reduce Their Unemployment

No need for me to site what is wrong with a system that allows veterans to have an unemployment percentage of over 21%.  There is a lot of smart people out there; a lot smarter than me.  Researchers, Ph.D’s, subject matter experts in my opinion have all basically failed to resolve the problem.  I am not blaming any group in particular.  There are plenty of good people out there trying to make a difference; trying to help vets get jobs.  And we all need those people should keep trying.  But can we all agree that whatever we are doing, it is just not working with an employment rate of veterans at over 21%.

I know this is a complicated subject.  Very complicated when you realize what all the veterans have been through.  But when something is complicated, at least in my experience as a Lead Recruiter for a Fortune 50 company for nearly 15 years, getting back to the basics is often the best solution. 

After talking to many veterans from each of the four major branches of the military, and after doing the research for my book, “Veterans: DO THIS! GET HIRED!”  I see why most veterans are having problems getting a job.   Veterans do not know the best ways to represent themselves within the job search process.  It’s the fundamentals where they need help.  They just have not been given the fundamentals.  Well at least not until now.

Look, getting a job for veterans is not complicated if you break it down.  It really is only three steps: 1. Finding a job opening; 2. Getting an Interview; and, 3. Doing so well in the interview that you get an offer.

The first step is research online, going to job fairs, and networking with your friends and family and letting them know to keep their eye out for you when it comes to openings.  The second step is about putting yourself in a position with your resume and online application process, where you spark the interest of an employer enough so they contact you.  That is an opportunity for an interview.   The third step is performing so well in the interview that they have no choice but to give you an offer. 

So here is the problem:  there is a ton of advice on these and other job search topics on the internet.  But anyone with an opinion can post advice even when they have no idea what they are talking about.  I would say about 50% of the advice out there is bad. 

What vets need is one comprehensive, easy to follow guide, with specific steps and techniques that are PROVEN to get veterans hired in this difficult job market.  It needs to address the real issues that vets say they have when it comes to getting a job.  It needs to offer new, fresh, easy to follow, and logical information and advice.  The advice needs to be from a trusted source; from someone who actually recruits for a living, every day in this challenging market, so veterans can be assured they are getting the latest information on what works and what doesn’t.   Lastly, it needs to work.

This is why I wrote the book/guide “Veterans:  DO THIS! GET HIRED!”  Simply put:  It gets veterans jobs!

Mark Lyden

Mark Lyden is the author: College Students: Do This! Get Hired!; Veterans: Do This! Get Hired!; and Professionals: Do This! Get Hired! (Coming Summer 2011)A substantial portion of the proceeds from book sales are donated back to charity to help veterans and to help the stray and abandoned animals at Logan’s Run Rescue.