The Howard Keating Show is hosting a 24-Hour Veteran Web-A-Thon on April 6 – 7th, 2011. The program is anticipating over 1MM viewers during the 24-hour period.
According to Susan Wellman, Executive Vice President, “The web-a-thon is designed to help our veterans get jobs, start businesses or expand their existing businesses through opportunities and resources offered on the program….the purpose is to increase awareness throughout the media community of the significant needs and challenges our veterans face (90 percent divorce rate, 107,000 living on our streets, loss of homes and jobs, etc.). These heroes are so completely demoralized upon their return from service, and we need them to know that the corporations of the U.S. are behind them.”
The show’s goal is to honor our veterans by helping at least 2,000 get jobs, contracts, start a business, or create joint ventures.
When: April 6th, 5:00 PM ET – April 7th at 5:00 PM ET
® Businesses looking to partner with businesses
® franchises at a discounted price
® Jobs from major businesses
® Loans to either start a business or to help increase sales of an existing business
® Distributorship opportunities
® Product and service companies that want to go global.
Media platform
® The Howard Keating Show (
® 5.5 million veterans with disabilities
® 92 percent have high school diplomas or higher compared to 85 percent of the nation as a whole
® 90 percent of today’s returning veterans get divorced within 2 years.
® For every military personnel that that die in war, a veteran commits suicide
® 7.6 million Vietnam era veterans are living
® 9 million veterans are 65 and older
® 1.5 million veterans are female
® 20,000 veterans lost their homes in 2010
® 1.5 million veterans are in poverty or homeless
® 107,000 veterans are homeless on any given night
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